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CU Hear User Guide | Arrowhead Credit Union

CU Hear User Guide

(800) 743-7228

To access your information, you will need your Account Number and PIN. The system will prompt you to enter an Account ID or Loan ID.

Main Menu (3) Balance Inquiry

1. Account ID List
2. Loan ID List
3. Balance Inquires
4. History Inquiries
5. Withdrawals
6. Transfers
7. Checking Information
8. Loan Information
9. Additional Options
* To go back to the Previous Menu

1. Savings Balance
(Enter Savings ID followed by the # sign)
2. Checking Balance
(Enter Checking ID followed by the # sign)
3. Share Balance
(Enter Share ID followed by the # sign)
4. Loan Balance
(Enter Loan ID followed by the # sign)
5. Account ID List
6. Loan ID List
* To go back to the Previous Menu

(4) History Recent Transactions

1. Last Deposit
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)

2. Last Payroll Deposit
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)

3. Share History
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)

4. Loan History
(Enter your Loan ID followed by the # sign)
5. Deposit History
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)
6. Recent Transaction Activity
* To go back to the Previous Menu

1. Checking
(Enter your Checking ID followed by the # sign)
2. ATM
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)
3. ACH
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)
4. Payroll
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)
5. Loan Payment
(Enter your Loan ID followed by the # sign)
6. Debit Card
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)
7. Shared Branch
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)
8. Point of Sale
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)
* To go to the Previous Menu
(5) Withdrawals (6) Transfers

1. Savings
(Enter the withdrawal amount followed by the # sign)
2. Checking
(Enter the withdrawal amount followed by the # sign)
3. Share
(Enter your Share ID followed by the # sign)
4. Loan Advance
(Enter your Loan ID followed by the # sign)
* To go back to the Previous Menu

1. Savings to Checking

(Enter Checking ID to transfer to, then #)
2. Checking to Savings
(Enter Share ID to transfer to, then #)
3. Share to Share
(Enter Share ID to transfer from, then #)
4. Loan to Savings
(Enter Loan ID to transfer from, then #)
5. Loan to Checking
(Enter Loan ID to transfer from, then #)
6. Loan to Share
(Enter Loan ID to transfer from, then #)
7. Savings to Loan
(Enter Loan ID to transfer to, then #)
8. Checking to Loan
(Enter Loan ID to transfer to, then #)
9. Share to Loan
(Enter Share ID to transfer to, then #)
* To go back to the Previous Menu

(7) Checking (8) Loans
1. Checking Balance
(Enter your Checking ID followed by the # sign)

2. Check Number Inquiry
(Enter your Checking ID followed by the # sign)
3. Check History
(Enter your Checking ID followed by the # sign)
4. Check Stop Payment
(Enter your Checking ID followed by the # sign)
5. Check Number Range
(Enter the LOW check number followed by the # sign then enter the HIGH check number followed by the # sign)
* To go back to the Previous Menu

1. Balance
(Enter your Loan ID followed by the # sign)
2. Loan ID List

3. Loan Payment Inquiry
(Enter your Loan ID followed by the # sign)
4. Loan Payment History
(Enter your Loan ID followed by the # sign)
5. Loan Payoff Amount
(Enter your Loan ID followed by the # sign)
6. Loan Advance Totals
(Enter your Loan ID followed by the # sign)
* To go back to the Previous Menu

(9) Additional Options
1. Year to Date Information

   1. I.R.A. Contributions
   2. Dividends
   3. Interest

2. Change Preferences
   1. Change Access Code
   2. Change Language

3. Access Another Credit Union Account
* To go back to the Previous Menu




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